Monday, October 1, 2018

Silly and Baseless

I know the world has been cruel to you
But it hurts inside when
You pay no nevermind to me
You look on past me then
I think the world falls out
Has it forgotten me
Have you forgotten me
Am I just a disappointment to you
I am a disappointment to myself
I had a future I thought
And when I got to that future
The world let out a big
And if I mean nothing to you
I am truly on my own
Like a worm after a storm
I wriggle all alone
Getting crushed by feet
That don't even know I'm there
Still alive
But barely breathing
Letting out a quiet prayer
That no one will ever hear
Not even you
But you really needn't hear it
It's just a silly, baseless fear
I still hope
With all my hope
That you might someday have
A reason to be proud of me

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