Friday, May 3, 2019


I am just one
And they say that just one
Can't tip the scales
Or maybe one can
"Just not you"
Meaning me
But "they" do not say it
With words you can hear
Only those looks
That say something unclear
I know
I will never mean
All that much to a world
That's gone without me
And is miles ahead
I can say something stupid
But once I am dead
Will they remember
Will they care
If I put my world to it
Does that make a difference
I would like to think
Anything I could give
Would be worth holding on to
Won't leak like a sieve
It'd be great to mean something
"Our blank of all time
Math wasn't his strong suit
But he always had a rhyme
Which lead to a smile
A chuckle
Or laugh
You'd feel like yourself again
Well, yourself and a half!"
And "He Loved."
With all his heart
He Loved

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