Saturday, May 18, 2019

Scattered Together

Sometimes it's about
Being the light
You wont move ahead
Giving into the fright
What can you do
If you do not see
Where you must go
To get where you want to be
With hearts set against me
Where can one turn
Paying for lessons
I don't make time to learn
The world explodes
Things'll get better
A slick kick comes quick
Bursting the tether
Can I live there
Let's just pretend
We all understand
This foolish end
Even when forward
Comes barreling through
Leaving me all alone
Waiting for you
We don't have to rhyme
But I don't really care
If someone says "What?"
I reply "Where?"
They don't want your dull
They don't want your drab
Find your special
That would be fab
Listen not
To the voice in your head
And save for this
Ne'ery a word that I've

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