My End Of Year Wish
A waste of time
And yet
All that is said
Is early in hopes it is read
By the somebody
Who can help me along
As I can't write this song
Every time that I try
I find that I cry
Another piece of me dies
So I'll just ask the universe
I've been stuck for years
Trying through tears
With nary a notice
And people needn't see
I just want to be free
And they'd know that I'm okay
That everything's fine
For really reals this time
I don't need beyond my dreams fame or riches
No calls on any demons or witches
Success though
To not be a burden
To not be a worry or bother
To make smile my mother and father
For the care from a coldish type world
That never expected me to get the girl
I probably won't
This is probably stupid
But this probably won't even be seen
If you knew my past, you'd know what I mean
But this is my wish
My end of year wish